How to Cancel

Marlon here.
Do NOT send emails to cancel. Your billing is from Clickbank NOT me. But it is pretty quick and painless to cancel if you've lost your mind and decided to do so!
Remember that you joined under our beta pricing. The price is double should cancel and decide to re-join in the future. And you'll miss out on weekly training, resources, software, tools and weekly Q & A calls.
You’ll also be missing out on software access, templates, checklists and weekly Q & A calls. You might want to check with me here and see what your next month's bonus is first!
Or maybe I can help you if something seems "missing" for you or doesn't add up.
Your billing is from Clickbank, so you do NOT cancel with me. You cancel with Clickbank this way. It's a number of steps but only takes a minute. It's pretty easy.
1. Go to Clickbank’s Customer Service site here.
2. Click Look Up Your Order.
3. Enter two identifiers for your order:
Email Address – The email address you used when you bought the product. This field is required.
Order Number – The order number. This is included in receipt and rebill emails.
Last 4 of Payment Method – The last 4 digits of the payment method that you used for the order, such as your credit card.
ZIP – Your zip code or postal code.
4. Click Go!. If prompted, complete the reCAPTCHA challenge.
Your order information is displayed.
5. If you have more than one order, find the correct order and click Order Details, Tech Support & Refunds.
Details for that order are displayed.
6. Click Get Support.
7. In the type field, select Cancellation Request.
8. Select a reason for the cancellation.
9. Click Send.
Your cancellation request is sent. The cancellation is processed within one business day unless you change your request.
If you need help, you can always contact me here.