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Dear Point and Click Coaching member,
I want to thank you for taking fast action and joining Instant Internet Lifestyle.
You've made a very wise decision and in a few moments you'll have full access to your training materials - your access details are being sent to you via email as we speak.
In the meantime, I just want an extra few moments of your time to tell you about a very limited opportunity that will allow you to accelerate your business and speed up your online success dramatically...
Choose One Additional Program For 50% Off And Get 3 Others For Free!
Yes, because if you want to put yourself EVEN further ahead of the curve and get the ultimate edge on your competition...
...then I have 4 super advanced courses that you can get your hands on for an INSANE discount!
I can't believe I'm actually going to do this... but here's your chance to get digital access to FOUR of my top cutting edge courses for HALF the normal price of just one course.
Course #1: 'Super Free Traffic System'
"How To Set Up A Free Traffic System That Drives Floods Of Targeted Prospects To Your Websites On A Daily Basis"
INCLUDES: Over 6 hours of 'look over my shoulder' video training ::
Bonus Q&A Sessions - (Value $497)
Sit back and watch over my shoulder as I take you through the entire process of driving masses of free traffic to your websites using my Super Free Traffic System.
Inside the Super Free Traffic System you'll discover my most powerful techniques for creating your own 'free traffic system' that you'll only need to set up once to flood your business with traffic day after day.
What's more, you'll be able to watch over my shoulder and discover all my secret shortcuts and powerful strategies for setting up your own systems quickly, easily... and without having any expert knowledge.Sit back and watch over my shoulder as I take you through the entire process of driving masses of free traffic to your websites using my Super Free Traffic System.
Inside the Super Free Traffic System you'll discover my most powerful techniques for creating your own 'free traffic system' that you'll only need to set up once to flood your business with traffic day after day.
What's more, you'll be able to watch over my shoulder and discover all my secret shortcuts and powerful strategies for setting up your own systems quickly, easily... and without having any expert knowledge.
Inside the Super Free Traffic System you'll learn...

- How to turn your blog into a 'Traffic Magnet' and use it to drive tons of free traffic to your websites... even while you sleep!
- 5 critical techniques you MUST use in order to fully maximize free traffic and have swarms of targeted visitors hitting your sites day after day!
- How to use the 'piggy-back traffic method' to honestly and ethically "steal" traffic and divert it to your own site.
- My most powerful strategies for effortlessly getting joint ventures with the biggest influences in your marketplace – even if you're a complete 'unknown.'
- Under-the-radar techniques for making your traffic generation so viral, you'll have more visitors to your websites than you can possibly handle.
- How to automate your Traffic System to the point where you can literally drive traffic on autopilot simply by flicking a switch.
...and much, much more!
Course #2: 'Super List Building System'
"How To Build A List Of 1,000 Super Responsive Subscribers In 30 Days or Less"
INCLUDES: Over 6 hours of 'look over my shoulder' video training ::
Bonus Q&A sessions :: Full course transcripts - (Value $497)
During the course of 6 modules I'll take you by the hand and show you the exact steps for building the most important asset of any online business...
...which is super responsive list of subscribers.
Inside this course you'll discover how I built my list from scratch... to a list of 1,000 hyper responsive subscribers in just 30 days... and how you can do the same.
Inside the Super List Building System you'll discover...

- The hidden reason why you absolutely must build a list of raving fans (this is the real reason why big-name marketers consistently outcompete the rest!)
- Discover "The Great List Building Lie": Constantly being told you need a huge list to make more money? Watch how I make a ton of money with my tiny list and dispel that myth for good.
- The hidden key element of your mailing list that either makes or breaks you. Get this part of your email marketing handled and you'll have a highly profitable business that will stand the test of time.
- The 2 vital components you must provide for your subscribers in order to maintain a hyper-responsive list.
- How to drive instant, quality traffic and build your list without spending a single cent on advertising or working long, heart-breaking hours on traffic generation. No pay-per-click advertising, no social bookmarking, no article marketing etc...
- How to make a compelling offer that attracts people to your list like a magnet and gets them to join up without a second thought... and why you should never, ever use forced opt-in methods.
- The one thing you must do for your subscribers to cement yourself in their memory once they've made their first purchase (Note: one type of media totally outperforms the rest for achieving this outcome)
- How to use the 'JV Scalpel Approach' for locating high value influences and forming relationships with people who access and control most of the leads in your market place.
- Understand the 3 most important metrics you need to keep a close eye on to grow and maintain a healthy list of responsive subscribers.
- Discover the number one factor responsible for the number of opened emails and click-throughs in email marketing (HINT: it's got nothing to do with copy writing)
...and much, much more!
Course #3: 'Super Sales Funnel System'
"How To Build A Deep Six Figure Sales Funnel in Any Niche In The Fastest Possible Time"
INCLUDES: Over 6 hours of 'look over my shoulder' video training ::
Bonus Q&A sessions - (Value $497)

The Super Sales Funnel System contains 6 modules packed with step by step information showing you how to build a deep six figure sales funnel in any niche... fast!
Follow along over the course of 6 modules as I show you the exact elements you must set up to turn your business into a profit producing machine that makes a ton of money as you sleep.
Inside the Super Sales Funnel System you'll discover...
- What it means to 'go deeper and not wider' and why you absolutely must do this to gain ultimate dominance in your niche.
- How to quickly test if your chosen niche can support a deep six figure sales funnel, and why this is critically important for your success online.
- Uncover my ninja tactics for creating a portfolio of 'front end' and 'back end' products in a matter of hours... rather than days or months!
- Discover the exact elements needed in your sales funnel to maximize your profits in any niche.
- The logic behind introducing 'self-liquidating leads' into your business... and why you should aim to not make any profits with your front end products!
- How to set up 'lead bait' in your business and use it for generating tons of leads into your business on a daily basis.
- 5 simple steps for quickly quadrupling your profits in any niche and getting the edge on your competition... fast!
...and much, much more!
Course #4: 'Momentum Marketing System'
"How To Build A $10,000+ Per Month Online Business In Just 12 Weeks Using My Unique Step By Step Momentum Principles"
INCLUDES: Over 20 hours of 'look over my shoulder' video training :: Weekly assignments ::
Bonus Q&A sessions :: Full course transcripts - (Value $997)

Okay, this is the BIG one!
Everyday I get emails and letters from people BEGGING me to show them how I got started online...
....and built a $10,000+ per month business in record time.
So I finally gave in and developed a 12 week crash course where even complete beginners can follow my weekly step by step training... and use my closely guarded Momentum Principles to build their business at lightning fast speed!
Inside the Momentum Marketing System you'll discover...

- The '7 Rules of Momentum' and how to use these to alter your mindset and build your business in the fastest possible time.
- Why you must NOT strive for perfection... and how making this one change can help you grow your business TEN times faster.
- The 3 golden rules you must understand before choosing which niche to build your business in (get this bit wrong and your business is doomed before you've even started!)
- How to set up the essential building blocks of your business and then 'bolt on' elements on top to build your business fast!
- How to drive tons of targeted visitors to your business on a daily basis like flicking on a switch.
- Discover the 7 key ingredients for creating a HOT info product that your customers will love and end up buying ALL your future products.
- How to follow up with your customers and triple your profits while only doing a fraction of the initial work it takes to find your customers in the first place.
...and much, much more!
The courses you're about to gain access to contain some of my most advanced and closely guarded techniques to date... and are designed to help you take your business to the next level and dramatically speed up your online success...
...PLUS if you go ahead and order right now there's no risk to you whatsoever.
Is There A Guarantee?
Yes... all the risk is on me! Take all 4 courses above for a test drive today... tear into all the juicy techniques and strategies...
...and if for any reason (or no reason at all) you don't feel you can easily make your investment back 10 times over during the next 30 days... then simply contact us for a full, fast refund - no questions asked!
You have nothing to lose... but so much to gain

Get All 4 Courses For Just $197
- That's A Saving Of $2,291!
As an extremely limited one time offer you can get all the above courses for a massive saving of $2,291... but you must act now because you will not see this offer again!
Limited One Time Offer
$2, 488
You Can Pass Up This Opportunity By Simply Clicking The "No Thanks" Link Below, But Before You Do Click Play To Hear What Top Marketer Dean Holland Has To Say About Get More Momentum . . .