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Dear Point and Click Coaching member,

Congratulations on taking advantage of a truly WACKO offer.

You made a smart decision as you'll see shortly.  It takes a few minutes for Clickbank to "talk" to our Coaching Area program and transfer your access details.

In the meantime, here's the scoop on a very limited opportunity ONLY for my Point-And-Click Coaching Club members.  It's designed to complement your Point-And-Click Coaching and  speed up your progress and success bigtime.

Grab One Additional Training For
Half Off And Get 3 Others For Free!

Here's your chance to get 4 of my super advanced courses for HALF off the price of just one of them.  This gives you the ultimate edge and zips you to the front of the line.

These are courses I've sold for full price.  I've probably lost my mind to offer these at this price.  But this is my first offer on Clickbank in years, and I want to hit it out of the ballpark.

That's why I'm doing this for a very limited time only. Once I've got traction with affiliates, I could yank this down at any time.

But if you act right now, today, you get digital access to FOUR of my top notch training programs for half off the price of just ONE of them, as ridiculous as that may sound.

And that's half of the REAL price the offer sold for.  Not some fake, made up price.  This is a huge value for you. And can give you that extra edge.

Course #1: 'The Overwhelm Cure'
"Exactly How to Vanquish Overwhelm, Delete Your To Do List, Get Unstuck, and Gain Crystal Clarity"

YOU GET: Over 4 modules of step-by-step video training : 
(Sold  For $397)

This is a product about making money.


But not a do this and do that product. It's about how you get things done. In talking to the people on my list, I find that OVERWHELM is one of the biggest issues. Not having time. Having too much to do and too much to LEARN.


The lack of focus seems to be another issue.


Imagine if you had a magic wand. And you could wave it and have FOCUS, CLARITY and get rid of a significant degree of the overwhelm if not all of it.


That's what this product is about.

Inside the Overwhelm Cure you'll learn...

  • How to create Foghorns that replace your tasks and to do lists
  • How and why 25-minute Foghorns could change your lfe within 7 days and cause you to almost effortlessely get more done than EVER before
  • How to NEVER get distracted when you're working on a "bucket"
  • This will make a big impact on your success the FIRST week
  • Why Internet marketers are particularly susceptible to A.D.D. type behavior
  • The only practical solution I've found

    ...and much, much more!

Course #2: '8496 System'
"Flat On My Back, Sicker Than a Dog, I Created $8,496.61 in 6 Days"

YOU GET: Over 6 hours of step-by-step video training : Includes bonus Q&A session recordings: Full course transcripts -
(Sold for$898)

During the course of 6 modules I'll take you by the hand and show you step-by-step how was i able  create $8496 just a few days after I was flat on my back on the sofa sicker than a dog.

 I'm going to take you step-by-step through what you do, how you do it and why you do it in detail.  This means you'll be able  to get off to a roaring start.  And you won't be left guessing or mucking around with expensive trial and error.

Inside this course you'll discover how I created a "10X Digital Product" in roughly 3 hours and got paid.   You'll know, see and understand every single stsep I took.  That way, you can go out and hit your own home run as fast as possible.

  • How to find a result you can duplicate for others, (or partner with someone who has one) and nail down your "vehicle" that people will pay you good money for.
  • How to create your VSL, webinar or sales page so it looks good and set up your system to to take orders and make sales.  It’s the FORMULA!
  • How to create consistent, non-stop new potential buyers using simple, easy-to-set-up Facebook ads that get fast results. 
  • How to create or re-establish your upgrade path for easy sales  and maximum profits via automated “income stacking.”  Passive income!  This is the MILK ROUTE!
  • Shows you several great profit models you can choose from
    that are tested and proven
  • How you can potentially partner with someone  who has a "vehicle" you can sell.
  • The 3 causes of money problems and how to fix t hem
  • How to legally, morally and ethically get many Internet marketing prdoucts without paying for them.  I got a free software program just this morning.
  • How to craft "magic pill" promotions that ccause people to give you money gladly

    ...and much, much more!

Course #3: 'The Inner Sanctum'
"Discover My Unique 14-Step “Ideas Into Sales” System For Creating And Selling Over 42,932 Products -- Both Physical and Digital

YOU GET: Over 7 1/2 hours of 'over my shoulder' video training :
 Includes bonus Q&A session - (Sold for $337)

The Inner Sanctum contains 4 modules covering my "ideas into sales" system for creating and selling over 42,932 prdoucts.

The Big Promise: You WILL have an EXACT 14-step system to create an info product that is designed every step of the way to sell, sell, sell.   No one else has this 14-step system.

The Uniqueness: You’ll discover my unique 14-step system for turning ideas into cash.  No one else teaches this 14-step “Ideas Into Cash” system.  What’s different about it is I’ll also be teaching my UNIQUE “SECRETS” sales template that works gangbusters.

The Proof:  I have a documented  42,932 in sales and over $2,798,022.05 in sales. And that’s omitting something like 7 years in sales.  I’m in a rush to get this out so I didn’t take time to track down the other order-taking systems, sales and so forth.  Here are SOME of my sales (not all of them by any means)

Inside the Inner Sanctum video trainingn you'll discover...

  • My complete, in-depth a to z from idea to CASH sequence.  I explain every step in detail.  (Most trainings leave OUT steps that are critical to success so they can suck you into coaching. Well guess what?  I don’t!  You get it ALL)
  • The REAL secret, hidden cause of NOT taking action on what you learn and why you’re procrastinating. (There’s only ONE fix for this and it’s NOT what you’ve likely ever been taught)
  • The product YOU…yes YOU…likely have hidden inside of you that you’ve NEVER thought about. (People screw this up all the time and waste an enormous amount of time and money)
  • Watch me create PRODUCT IDEAS in 10 seconds that are virtually guaranteed to sell.  And YOU can do this.  It’s NOT just me.
  • The ONE and only ONE thing that you don’t know now and can’t do that WILL make you money.  (It’s the secret barrier holding you back and no one  has ever told you straight up, flat out what it is and how to cure it. It’s NOT what you think it is)
  • The free software you can use to create your info products super fast (and what I personally use)

  • What’s the best thing to use for your OTO 1 product? (And why it’s extremely important)

    ...and much, much more!

Course #4: 'The Red Factor'
"Discover How The Red Factor Matrix Exposes Secret Low-Hanging Fruit In Almost Any Market"

YOU GET: 6 hand-crafted modules with 108 pages content, 174 minutes of audio, 42 pages of transcripts, 3 videos totalling 81 minutes and 5 very special "Fun Sheets" to make sure you can put each module into immediate action and profit asap. (Sells for $97)

Okay, this is the BIG one!

The  Red Factor Matrix gives you is virtual X-Ray vision in your target market.  So you can see beyond the confusing mix of products, offers and web sites and find the low-hanging fruit in virtually any market.

The unique thing is, these low-hanging fruit opportunities are available in virtually any market you have an interest in.  All you have to do is run 'em through the Matrix.

Inside the Red Factor System you'll discover...

  • How Ben Feldman used The Red Factor to become the world's greatest sales person as listed by the Guinness Book of World Records. Specifically what he did and how he did it.
  • The specific application of The Red Factor that allowed Joe Girard to become the greatest car sales person in the world.
  • How a taxi cab driver used "The Factor" to create an amazing stream of high-profit calls that made other drivers gnash their teeth in envy.
  • How Donnie used "The Factor" to sell millions and buy his 20,000 sq. foot dream home. The shocking revelation I had when he took me on a tour of his 4-story office building.!
  • How my dad used a STICK SIMPLE application of "The Factor" to control and dominate the TV repair market in Oklahoma City until he retired.
  • The amazing story of when I spoke with E. Joseph Cossman on a marketing cruise. And how he built a legendary business on a STICK SIMPLE application of THE FACTOR.
  • How Robert Collier made selling millions of items via direct response STICK SIMPLE using "The Factor."

In these 4 premium courses, you'll discover advanced secrets and methods I don't teach anywhere else.   They are designed to get you from where you are right now to the sales and lifestyle you want to have in the quickest way I know of.

...Not only that, by ordering right now, you're protected by my 60-day ironclad guarantee via Clickbank.

Take my 4 trainings for a test drive. Soak up all the amazing secrets and methods for a full 60 days.

You're Protected By This 60-Day Ironclad Guarantee

...if you don't agree my methods will dramatically speed up your success and help you breakthrough to a new level, Clickbank will refund every penny of your money for a full 60 days.

In short, you risk virtually nothing and stand to gain a great deal.

Grab All 4 Courses For Only ... 

(You Save $1,623!)

This offer is extremely limited because it's ONLY available right now on this page.  After you leave, it's gone.  You get all 4 courses at a huge $1,623 savings...act now because you won't see this offer again.

8496 Sytem -- $898

Overwhelm Cure -- $397 (INCLUDED)

Inner Sanctum -- $337

Red Factor -- $97

ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank's role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.

Average earnings and statement of risk -- Here is a statement of average earnings by my customers according to a survey I did.  That is across all my products and not just  Point and Click Coaching.  The numbers I show on this page are what I've personally done in gross sales. They are not indicative of average results.  You have the potential for gain or loss.  Of course, I design my programs to put as many odds i n your favor  as I possibly can.  There are no guarantees of income as  starting any business, both online and offline, involve the potential for gain or loss.  However, via Clickbank you are protected by a 60-day moneyback guarantee.  Not that you'll need it.  Point-and-Click Coaching is awesome!

All products are digitally delivered.  You can watch the videos online or download them.  You also receive access to PDF files that can be read using any Internet browser. or downloaded..  Your $744 of products are FREE because you're able to download them.  Each week at least 2 new videos are added, you are given an assignment, and you can ask questions for the question and answer call held weekly.  Recordings of the call are made available.  You also receive periodic checklists, flowcharts and even online software access.